Att vänta på vetenskapliga bevis är bara en ursäkt att inte tro på sig själv.

"It is much convenient to blame a virus for the cold you catch than to acknowledge that irregular sleeping habits or eating a lot of junk food, and the reasons behind this lifestyle and behavior, may have something to do with it. To repeat, everything negative has an equally positive opposite hidden within it. Given the circumstances that you have created for yourself, it actually is not a stroke of bad luck or a form of punishment that makes you fall ill. All forms of ill health serve as opportunities to learn more about yourself, your body, your past actions and the way you choose to live your life right now. Illness can lead you to a heightened state of awareness if you start seeing it as a challenge to move forward in your life rather than as being only a nuisance.

It requires an open mind and heart to be able to listen to and follow the rules that nature has laid out for the smooth and effortless functioning of the body. To insist that everything needs to be explained scientifically before it is valid and worthy of consideration is not only impractical, but also shows a lack of self-confidence and a poor sense of judgment. Waiting for the scientific proof is but an excuse for not trusting one’s intuition and natural instinct. The messages that we all receive from nature are direct and need no intellectual interpretation. In fact, trying to figure out everything, to know it intellectually, tends to steer you away from the ability to listen to the inner wisdom, bestowed to you by nature itself. The wisdom of how to live a healthy, happy life is intrinsic to the body, mind and spirit of every person.”
(ANDREAS MORITZ i boken “Timeless secrets of health & rejuvenation”)


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