Rädsla is nothing to be afraid of ;o)

“One of my favourite quotations is “Fear is excitement without the breath,” attributed to the Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls. He is saying that the same body mechanisms that make you excited can make you scared when you forget to stay open and lively and full of breath. In other words, when you lose your commitment to full participation, you are likely to feel afraid. Then you will start looking for things to pin your fear on. And, of course, you will always find something. When you’re afraid, you tend to look for the slightest little thing that will justify your giving up, pulling back.

Fear is naturally going to get stirred up when you move away from the known. As you open up your intuitive and creative powers – when you realize you have to make up life as you go – you’re bound to feel afraid from time to time. It’s nothing to be afraid of.”

(GAY HENDRICKS i boken ”A year of living consciously”)


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