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In 1942 a study was done on a breakfast food that is still one of the more popular cereals on the market today. Four sets of rats were given special diets.

1942 Breakfast Food Study
Group Received Results

1 Plain whole wheat, water, vitamins, and minerals Lived over 1 year

2 Nothing but water and chemical nutrients Lived 8 weeks

3 Water and white sugar Lived 4 weeks

4 XX cereal, water, and chemical nutrients Lived only 2 weeks

Don’t you think that the fourth group should have at least lived as long as the second group? What this report is saying, is that sugar is not good for you, right? Wrong. What it is really saying is that the XX cereal is not only lacking in nutrients, but is also toxic. This 1942 report was rediscovered in 1978. The researcher went directly to the president of this well-known cereal manufacturer and showed him the report. The response from the president was, “I know people should throw it on brides and grooms at weddings, but if they insist on sticking it in their mouths, can I help it? Besides, we made $9 million on the stuff last year.” Next, this company did all it could to discredit the researcher and intimidate members of the media interested in his message. This company no longer does animal-feeding studies on most of its products, because too often the tests show its foods are incapable of sustaining life.”
“When we read medical research reports, we must do so with an open mind. Almost every report I have yet read is strongly one-sided. What I mean is this: each report reflects only a small fragment of the whole picture, and even that fragment may be wrong. For example, I have a report that states that Vitamin B-12 is in milk or milk products. Then later in the same report it says that boiling milk before drinking may destroy much of the Vitamin B-12. As you probably know, it is difficult to find raw milk anywhere in the United States. It’s all pasteurized. It is boiled at temperatures that are sometimes extremely hot. If that doesn’t kill the B-12, nothing will.

Remember, medical researchers are usually paid by those who want certain information. If they don’t get the facts they want from the research, some people could lose their jobs. I know of cases where this has happened.

Forskaren som ovanstående berättelse handlar om är Paul A. Stitt som utförligt skriver om detta i sin mycket läsvärda bok ”Fighting the food giants”. De hälsovådliga flingorna som ovanstående citat handlar om är gjorda av puffat vete och säljs fortfarande av företaget Quaker Oats Company. Detta är bara EN berättelse.

“Modern medical science is the only organization that suggests using treatments worse than the dis-ease. But that is where the money is and fortunately for them, the people go along with it. People foolishly think that the dis-ease made them victims and medical science will free them from their victimization. It is really the other way around.”
Cleanse & purify thyself book two: secrets of radiant health & energy” skriven av RICHARD ANDERSON:


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