under the name of the Bureau of Chemistry, They were called the “Poison Squad,” and if they got sick and/or died, the chemical was rejected
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) är USAs motsvarighet till de tre svenska myndigheterna (tillsammans); livsmedelsverket, läkemedelsverket och socialstyrelsen. Sanna Ehdin brukar t ex ibland nämna att en av livsmedelsverkets professorer avlönas av margarinindustrin (som han givetvis ofta hävdar är ”hälsosamt”), vilket betyder att det förekommer liknande händelser i Sverige som i nedanstående amerikanska citat…
“What is this FDA anyway?
Well, it’s not a bunch of geniuses, I can tell you that. The leading lights are usually a group of past or future employees of the giant food processors who stop off at the FDA to make friends or learn the ropes. The director of the FDA is usually a political appointee with no technical knowledge of food or drugs. Some of the recent job changes in the FDA were really interesting. They went like this:
The FDA’s General Counsel (chief lawyer who decides whom to prosecute) came from a big law firm who defends large corporations against FDA charges. The former General Counsel took a job with a trade association which represents giant food processors against the FDA.
The Director of the Bureau of Foods came to the FDA from a big cereal manufacturer who doesn’t want trouble with the government.
The Director of the Nutrition Division of the FDA left to work for a major candy manufacturer who doesn’t want trouble with the government.
The Director of Product Technology of the FDA came right from a major canner and frozen-food manufacturer who doesn’t want trouble with the government.
Is it right for the man who yesterday was vice-president of a big cereal company to join the FDA tomorrow and write the regulations that determine how much profit his company is going to make? (Even if he doesn’t have stock in the company anymore, his wife might or his uncle might or his lawyer might.)
Can a lawyer whose former law firm represents the biggest food processor in the country really apply the letter of the law to the clients of his former firm, especially when he’s likely to be going back to work for that same law firm – with those same big clients – in a year or two?
Now do you know why your food is dripping with powerful artificial-synthetic chemical?
Back in 1907 when the FDA started – under the name of the Bureau of Chemistry – there was a group of healthy young male volunteers who were fed all the food chemicals before they were approved for general use. They were called the “Poison Squad,” and if they got sick and/or died, the chemical was rejected. Now the Poison Squad has been abolished. Well, not actually abolished. It’s simply been expanded to include you and your wife and your children and 220 million other Americans. Thank you for your cooperation.”
(DAVID REUBEN i boken ”Everything you always wanted to know about nutrition”)
“What is this FDA anyway?
Well, it’s not a bunch of geniuses, I can tell you that. The leading lights are usually a group of past or future employees of the giant food processors who stop off at the FDA to make friends or learn the ropes. The director of the FDA is usually a political appointee with no technical knowledge of food or drugs. Some of the recent job changes in the FDA were really interesting. They went like this:
The FDA’s General Counsel (chief lawyer who decides whom to prosecute) came from a big law firm who defends large corporations against FDA charges. The former General Counsel took a job with a trade association which represents giant food processors against the FDA.
The Director of the Bureau of Foods came to the FDA from a big cereal manufacturer who doesn’t want trouble with the government.
The Director of the Nutrition Division of the FDA left to work for a major candy manufacturer who doesn’t want trouble with the government.
The Director of Product Technology of the FDA came right from a major canner and frozen-food manufacturer who doesn’t want trouble with the government.
Is it right for the man who yesterday was vice-president of a big cereal company to join the FDA tomorrow and write the regulations that determine how much profit his company is going to make? (Even if he doesn’t have stock in the company anymore, his wife might or his uncle might or his lawyer might.)
Can a lawyer whose former law firm represents the biggest food processor in the country really apply the letter of the law to the clients of his former firm, especially when he’s likely to be going back to work for that same law firm – with those same big clients – in a year or two?
Now do you know why your food is dripping with powerful artificial-synthetic chemical?
Back in 1907 when the FDA started – under the name of the Bureau of Chemistry – there was a group of healthy young male volunteers who were fed all the food chemicals before they were approved for general use. They were called the “Poison Squad,” and if they got sick and/or died, the chemical was rejected. Now the Poison Squad has been abolished. Well, not actually abolished. It’s simply been expanded to include you and your wife and your children and 220 million other Americans. Thank you for your cooperation.”
(DAVID REUBEN i boken ”Everything you always wanted to know about nutrition”)