Gonattsaga del 2 b!


God Son/Sun with his 12 faithful monthly followers

De 12 månaderna som representeras av 12 följeslagare grupperade 3 och 3 i fyra grupper , precis som årstiderna.

Since the Earth experienced 4 different seasons, all the same and equal (in time) each year, the round Sun calendar was divided into 4 equal parts. This is also why we have, in the Bible, only 4 Gospels. Of this point, there can be no doubt. The 4 Gospels represent the four 4 seasons which collectively tell the entire story of the life of God's 'Sun'. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. This is why the famous painting of "The Last Supper" pictures the 12 followers of the Sun in four groups (of three) ... the seasons!


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