Tissue memory, vävnadsminne
If you find the notion of ‘Tissue Memory’ difficult to accept, think of it this way;
videotape is made of plastic with iron filings stuck on its surface. There is nothing too amazing about that, yet when the videotape is played through the VCR and we watch the film, we laugh and cry and become emotionally engaged.
The cells in our bodies are a lot more complex than videotape. They store an incredible amount of information and perform a mind boggling number of tasks every second, it is very plausible that they can also store individual memory.
Emotional trauma also lodges in the body and can cause restrictions equal in severity to patterns of restriction formed in a purely physical way.
You are six years old. You are walking past a building site. A brick falls off the scaffold and hits you on the shoulder breaking your clavicle. 40 years later you have frozen shoulder.
You are six years old. Your father is angrily telling you that you are stupid. As he does this he taps you on the shoulder with his finger to make the point. 40 years later you have frozen shoulder.
(Detta påminde om det jag skrev för ett tag sen:
http://becausetrollrik.blogg.se/2010/november/beroring-i-stormens-oga-o.html ( i stormens öga passar bra idag ...)
"Det här var intressant; vi pratade om att man lägger handen på axeln på en ledsen människa, vad händer då, man sätter kvar den här känslan i muskelminnet. Beröringen sätter "det" i kroppen. Med beröringen kan man stänga ner mentalt, men man byter egentligen inte tillstånd. Bara en kort beröring, klapp på axeln i upprört tillstånd, gör inte saken bättre på ett undermedvetet plan, i muskelminnet och på cellnivå.")
The memory of these events may not be in the conscious mind, but stored in the cells of our bodies. In the course of a Cranio Sacral session these memories can spring into the conscious mind as patterns of restriction are releasing.
If you find the notion of ‘Tissue Memory’ difficult to accept, think of it this way;
videotape is made of plastic with iron filings stuck on its surface. There is nothing too amazing about that, yet when the videotape is played through the VCR and we watch the film, we laugh and cry and become emotionally engaged.
The cells in our bodies are a lot more complex than videotape. They store an incredible amount of information and perform a mind boggling number of tasks every second, it is very plausible that they can also store individual memory.
Emotional trauma also lodges in the body and can cause restrictions equal in severity to patterns of restriction formed in a purely physical way.
You are six years old. You are walking past a building site. A brick falls off the scaffold and hits you on the shoulder breaking your clavicle. 40 years later you have frozen shoulder.
You are six years old. Your father is angrily telling you that you are stupid. As he does this he taps you on the shoulder with his finger to make the point. 40 years later you have frozen shoulder.
(Detta påminde om det jag skrev för ett tag sen:
http://becausetrollrik.blogg.se/2010/november/beroring-i-stormens-oga-o.html ( i stormens öga passar bra idag ...)
"Det här var intressant; vi pratade om att man lägger handen på axeln på en ledsen människa, vad händer då, man sätter kvar den här känslan i muskelminnet. Beröringen sätter "det" i kroppen. Med beröringen kan man stänga ner mentalt, men man byter egentligen inte tillstånd. Bara en kort beröring, klapp på axeln i upprört tillstånd, gör inte saken bättre på ett undermedvetet plan, i muskelminnet och på cellnivå.")
The memory of these events may not be in the conscious mind, but stored in the cells of our bodies. In the course of a Cranio Sacral session these memories can spring into the conscious mind as patterns of restriction are releasing.