Vi behöver SOL! B-) Sola magen ;o)
We need the sun to assimilate minerals, especially calcium. Calcium is used for many things besides bones. It is needed for strength, healing, emotional stability, pH, and more. Over a period of 20 years I have observed myself and others becoming stronger, more rejuvenated and whole when we spend time in the sun. Ideally, we should spend at least an hour every day in the sun. The more skin we expose to the sun, the better. I believe that the most important part of the body for the sun to kiss is the solar plexus. Exposing this area for just a few minutes can make wonderful changes.”
RICHARD ANDERSON i boken “Cleanse & purify thyself book two: secrets of radiant health & energy”
RICHARD ANDERSON i boken “Cleanse & purify thyself book two: secrets of radiant health & energy”
Postat av: Elisabeth
Haha jag såg roliga bilder framför mig.. men det stämmer säkert. Det där modet med korta tröjor kanske inte är så dumt ändå. Kanske tanten ska haka på nu när det börjar försvinna ;)