De som undgick spanska flugan


We trust you will be as shocked as we were to learn the truth that vaccinations have been a scam from day one. 

Case in point--- the very first vaccine, smallpox over 150 years ago is not the darling that we were led to believe eradicated smallpox. In fact, it ignited pandemics in the very countries that adopted the mandatory vaccination program. England which only suffered a few thousand deaths to smallpox began losing tens of thousands of souls to the disease immediately following the smallpox vaccination program. In fact, Edward Jenner, father of vaccinations even admitted that the disease was little known until his vaccine. Germany lost 124,000 souls, Japan 29,000. All had been vaccinated.  Australia, on the other hand, which abstained after 2 deaths from the shots, lost 3 souls total. Hmmm? And it wasn’t until the vaccination program was altogether halted that the smallpox disease reverted back to its natural evolutionary decline, brought about by cleaner living habits, and was eventually allowed to die out altogether.   (Excerpted from Neil Z. Miller’s Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?)

A similar story can be told of the deadly Spanish flu of 1918. This erupted from a new forced vaccination program of all WWI American soldiers. In fact, it is said that a common saying of the day was that more men were lost to shots from the medics than from shots by the enemy. And even after the results of the shots should have been glaringly obvious to all, they pushed ahead with a nationwide vaccination program to ‘protect’ the civilians from the ‘bugs’ the soldiers picked up overseas. They then exported this vaccination program to the rest of the world which then suffered a deadly pandemic which cost some 50 million souls. Greece, one of the few countries to abstain from the Spanish flu vaccination program, had no Spanish flu outbreak. Coincidence?

Some claim money was the drive behind this but perhaps it was something far more sinister. Money is only the tool used to enlist the greedy to do the dirty work. And need we bring up the devastating Gulf War syndrome that is almost unanimously agreed by all soldiers to be caused by the vaccinations as many fell ill before ever leaving American soil? Oh, and for any of you who may have military in the family, note that they are always on the front line for vaccinations.

"Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy": Excerpted from "The Final Days" by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, page 194 to line 14 of page 195.

Back on topic, the polio vaccine, likewise has a not-so-funny twist to what we all thought was the truth. Polio, like smallpox was also on its natural decline before the vaccine was ever introduced. Immediately after mass innoculation, polio deaths increased by 250%. In addition, they changed the name of the disease for those who were innoculated. Soooo, if you were vaccinated and died of polio it went down as a death labeled aseptic meningitis. Polio deaths down: asceptic meningitis deaths up. This made their graphs look exactly as they wanted them to for public show. Dr Jonas Salk testified in 1976 that the principle, if not sole, cause of polio in the U. S. was the polio vaccine, itself. Is this not amazing that we are still under some deluded impression that injecting disease into our bloodstream is actually a good idea?


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