En till berättelse om barns upplevelser

Ibland får vi lära oss att gud är en som dömer och som vi ska vara rädda för. Det tror inte jag, utan det finns i oss alla, utan skillnad. Leka gud är inte farligt? Det  är bara att vara oss själva? Men uttrycket har förstås en negativ klang och används i andra sammanhang som inte har en gudomlig inramning precis ;o) Nåväl, för barn är ofta det mesta naturligt och självklart, inga onda uppsåt tills de blir "inramade" av allt vi tutar i dem ;o)

Berättelse 2 av Hugh Milne (som liten )

"Then, at the same kindergarten, we completed a wonderful project. Three of us had been teamed up to build, in clay and straw, our idea of an African mud-hut village. It took a week. Imagine the conferences that went on to complete this project! Once it was finished, I suggested that now we could move the huts around as, looking down from above them as we were, we could see that some were too close. ' Let's be like God, and move things around now,' I suggested.

It was a distinct knowing, more than a memory, that we used to do this in the ageless time before we were born: hover above things and cause people to change their actions, by putting thoughts into their heads and good feelings into their hearts. For me this was obvious, a recollection that I automatically assumed my compatriots shared. After all, we had all been there just recently...

'No, we can't pretend we're God - that would be blasphemy, which is a very bad thing and we must not do it or we will be punished badly. God will be angry with us!' one of my collaborators warned.

The third constructor nodded his head, sagely.
'Oops!' I thougt to myself, ' I don't want to be punished by God. Being punished by the teacher is quite bad enough, thank you. And if they don't remember the hovering and flying time, maybe I am not supposed to remember either. Better never talk about his again'.
I did not, until now.


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